C Language

                                        C Language

                                    Complete Tutorial

                           ( lecture 1) 

 Digital Computer ?
Answer :- digital computer is an electronic device which take input data from input unit and process it according to the set of instruction called program and produce the output using output device .
Notes :- it is called digital its take understand only 0 and 1.
                                           Block diagram

:-  Functional diagram of digital computer

1:- CPU :- central Processing Unit
2:-ALU:- arithmetical logical unit 
3:- C.U:- control unit
4:- GPR :- general purpase register

               Parts of digital computer

:- there are three types of digital computer.
 1:-  input and output unit .
2 :- CPU 
3:-memory  / axillary memory

a:-> input and output unit

(a):- Input unit :- input unit in the functional diagram of digital computer respect the various input device which are used input the real world data into computer the function of input unit is accept coded information from human operator or from an electronic machines device or from other computer connected to it by the internet or by any other medium  Note :-input device convert human data into the from which is accepted by digital computer example for input unit Example :-  keyboard , mouse , scanner barcode reader , Mic

(b) output unit :- output unit used to represent the function information processed by digital computer the function of output unit used is to store the processed information and display it when needed by the user.
 Example:-  monitor (monitor type CRT LCD LED TFT plasma )etc.
2. printer( types of printer :- inkjet printer drum printer laser .
3.  speaker
4 projector
5.plotter:-  it is used to print large data sheets and map.
2:- (Cpu):- central Processing Unit
CPU stands for central Processing Unit it is also called brain of computer where all kinds of processing is done this unit take the input data from unit unit or input device and process it according to the set of instruction called program.

                        Parts of CPU
There are four types of CPU.
1:- Alu
2:-  Accumulator
3:- Gpr
4:- Control unit

(a):- A.l.U :- ( arithmetic and logic unit)
A l u stand for arithmetic and logic unit Alu is responsible for two types of operation.
(1):- airthmetic operation
(2):- logical operation.

(a):- arithmetic operation
 In Arithmetic operation computer perform (+ add , -- subtract ,  / division, * multiplication  %percent , % mod ,Mod   is used to the calculate reminder.
(b):- logical operator 
logical operator means (And &&, , or  not logic operation always is true or false .


Accumulator :- it is a register which contain enter value and final value and final result of earth medical logic operation .

                                              d = a + b + c
   a=3                                       d=3 + 4 + 5
   b=4                                        d=7 + 5
  c=5                                           d=12.

GPR ( general purpose registered).

They are used for temporary storage of data and from Intermediate result execute program


CU ( control unit ) ;-  control unit it is manually used for generating the electronic signals from Sign correct options of various operation all the the relative function for program execution such as memory read memory unit input unit and output read input output bright execution of instructions and signup storage solutions of all task are performed by control signal generated by control unit.

NOTE ;-  the  Control unit control all the operation of computer.

Memory ;- memory is a long by term storage function is storage coded from of information in computer the data is stored by a human operator by input device from other computer connected to

                        Types of memory

their  are two types of memory .

(1 ) primary memory (main memory).

(2)  second memory (Auxiliary memory).

Primary memory ;- it is the fastest memory in digital computer it extract directly to CPU it is is further to classify it to category and the basic of temporary and permanent storage.

Ram ( Random Access Memory );-it is also called volunteer memory because it old data temporary when power is switched off all data storage in them in this memory is washed this is also called read write memory it main we can perform both operation read and write RAM is classified into two categories 

(a) static Ram

(b) dynamic Ram

(ROM)  Rom stands for Random Access Memory ;-  is also called not volatile memory ROM can be used for reading for teaching RAM is called not work when power is switch off data is not restore it data is destroyed.

 RAM is features in three categories the basic of manufacturing .

(a)P ROM (pyramid Programmable reduced only memory ).

(b) EP ROM (erasable program read only memory ).

(c) EEP ROM (Electrical erasable programmable read only memory.

Secondary memory (secondary memory);- it is also called secondary memory device they are used to take break cup copy importance file it is slow comparison to primary memory and secondary memory size is larger than primary memory example hard disk pen drive floppy disk CD

Cache memory ;- cache memory is our special types of memory which is used to enhance the CPU perform cache memory store the fact kahlati store data

                                        Floor chart 

Algorithm ;- algorithm is step by step description to solve any problem it is a step-by-step description to arrive the solution of given problem

Flowchart ;- flowchart is a picture tutorial representation of and algorithm it is used by a programmer as a program play tools for organs square of step necessary to solve a particular problem it used boxes shapes to do you note the different types of instruction the actually are right then this boxes using clean statement these boxes are connected by sold Lines lines are Arrow head to indicated the flow of operation that is the execute sequence in which instruction are to be executed

 NOTE ;-Square of programming or software development algorithm flowchart and program

Flowchart symbols

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